
BTU/hr To Ton Converter

BTU to Tons Converter

BTU to Tons Converter

How Many BTU Is A Ton? Find Out With A Free BTU-To-Tons Converter!

Our free and simple BTU to Tons converter accurately converts the power capacity of your heating and cooling systems from BTU per hour to tons and vice versa. 

Some systems showcase their power using BTU units or refrigeration tonnage ratings. In case you need to find out its power in BTU or Tons, our free BTU-to-ton calculator will help you get quick and instant results so you can continue your project planning without a break.

Use our free calculator to calculate BTU to tons accurately!

What Is BTU Air Conditioner?

BTU/h, or British Thermal Unit Per Hour, refers to the heating and cooling capacity of the HAVC systems, the power capacity at which they remove cold or hot air from the room to maintain a suitable and comfortable temperature indoors. BTU/h is the most generally used air conditioning unit.

One BTU is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

What Is AC Tonnage Of Refrigeration?

The tonnage of refrigeration refers to the cooling capacity of a refrigeration or air conditioning system, representing its ability to remove heat from a space. It is a key measure in determining the power and efficiency of an HVAC system.

Tonnage ratings are directly related to BTU measurements, where 1 ton of refrigeration equals 12,000 BTU/hour. This means the system can remove 12,000 BTUs of heat per hour. The term originates from the heat required to melt 1 ton (2,000 pounds) of ice at 32°F in 24 hours.

In many cases, such as in the US, appliances may list their power capacity in tons for simplicity. For a better understanding, you can easily convert tonnage to BTU/hour and vice versa:

1 Ton = 12,000 BTU

Tonnage ratings are widely used in residential, commercial, and industrial HVAC systems to match cooling requirements with the appropriate equipment.

How Many BTU In A Ton Of Refrigeration?

One ton of refrigeration equals 12,000 BTU per hour.

This means that refrigeration or a cooling system with a one-ton capacity can remove 12,000 BTU of heat in a given hour.

How To Calculate BTU/hr To Refrigeration Tons

Converting Tons of refrigeration to BTU is easy. To calculate in BTU per hour, how much heat can be removed in a ton of refrigeration, use the simple formula below:

BTU/hour = Tons of Refrigeration (TR) × 12,000

For example-

If a system is rated as 2 tons of refrigeration, then the calculation would be:

BTU/hour = 2×12,000 =24,000 BTU

Use Our BTU hr To Refrigeration Tons For Quick And Precise Calculation!

Whether you want to convert tons to BTU/hr or vice versa, our tool converts your values instantly and gives you an accurate estimate so you can decide on your HVAC systems without second thoughts or doubts!

Moreover, suppose you wish to convert your results into metrics such as microwatts (μW), milliwatts (mW), watts (W), kilowatts (kW), megawatts (MW), gigawatts (GW). In that case, our calculator is a buddy for your space’s correct heating and cooling needs.

Use our free BTU-to-ton calculator now!

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