
Free Tools To Run Your Business

Stay updated with the latest tools we add to our library.

Labor Rate Calculator

Calculate accurate labor costs for services rendered, ensuring fair pricing and budgeting.

ROI Calculator

Quickly assess the profitability and efficiency of your investments in field service operations.

SEER Energy Saving Calculator

Estimate the energy savings potential of your HVAC systems with this Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio calculator.

Flow Rate Calculator

Quickly calculate the air flow rate using our free tool and get an accurate measurement of your volumetric flow rate.

Pipe Volume Calculator

Easily calculate the volume of pipes to manage fluid distribution and efficiently determine the required fluid volume.

Estimate Generator

Create a Professional and detailed estimate. Add job details, logo, and download for free

Before-After Photo Grid

Quickly create a professional before and after photo of your services with our free Before-After Photo Collage.

Service Price Calculator

HVAC Load Calculator

HVAC CFM Calculator

Quickly calculate the airflow requirement and maintain the desired temperature for your rooms.

HVAC Duct CFM Calculator

Quickly calculate the CFM of your HVAC Ducts and ensure appropriate temperature with less energy consumption.

Margin Calculator

Quickly calculate the profit margin of your goods and maintain a superb return on your investment!

HVAC Labor Rate Calculator

Quickly calculate the hourly rate of your HVAC technician for each job and maintain your desired profit earnings.

Refrigeration BTU Calculator

Quickly calculate the capacity of your refrigeration unit using our free tool and maintain optimal performance with energy efficiency.

ACH Calculator

Calculate the ACH of your space and get an accurate reading of your space’s air change per hour requirements.

General Parts Markup Calculator

Quickly calculate the suitable selling price of your goods and services according to your desired profit range and boost your income.

Sprinkler Velocity Calculator

Quickly assess the water velocity of your sprinkler systems and estimate the suitable pipe size to accommodate the water flow.

Exercise Your Knowledge of Fire Alarm Calculations

Fire alarms are integral to your entire fire alarm system. Their presence or absence in your space can make a massive difference, as they are your prime indicators of potential fire situations. It’s not even an option anymore.

SEER Energy Saving Calculator

Use our free SEER Savings Calculator above and evaluate the efficiency of your cooling units. 

Inspector Savings Tool

Calculate your yearly savings using ZenFire and optimize your resources significantly.

BTU/hr To Ton Converter

Convert the power capacity of your heating and cooling (HVAC) systems quickly from BTU/hr to Tons and vice versa.

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