
Refrigeration BTU Calculator

Cooling Capacity:

0 BTUs

Free Tool To Calculate BTU Of Your Refrigeration

Whether in warehouses that store perishable goods or walk-in refrigerators or freezers that store meat, dairy, and other products, cooling systems must have enough power and capacity to effectively cool the room. You also need to ensure that your cold storage units or industrial refrigeration systems are optimal for the items stored and the size of the room they are kept in.

This is why you need to calculate the BTU of your refrigeration units to ensure that they are efficient and do not waste energy. Our free BTU calculator can help you estimate the required power of your refrigeration based on the size of the room and the temperature difference.

What Is A British Thermal Unit?

BTU, or British thermal unit, measures how a heating or cooling device absorbs and removes heat to enable the cool air from the ducts. In simple terms, one BTU equals the heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

How Is BTU Calculated?

To calculate the BTU needed for heating or cooling a space, the simple formula is:

BTU = Area (in square feet)×Heat Factors (affecting BTU calculation)

It depends on the:

  • Size of the area you are heating or cooling.
  • Other factors include climate, insulation, etc.

In order to calculate the BTU requirements of your refrigeration system, follow the instructions below:

  1. Determine the volume of the room (length × width × height in feet).
  2. Multiply by the desired temperature change (°F).
  3. Multiply by 0.24 (a constant for air’s specific heat).

BTU for Refrigeration = Volume×Temperature Change×0.24

How To Calculate Refrigeration BTU?

Our free BTU Calculator tool quickly tells you the required cooling capacity for your refrigeration systems based on the size of the room and the temperature difference needed to store the designated items.

Using our tool cannot be simpler- you only need to input data in two fields. And lo and behold! You will get an accurate estimate of your cooling capacity. This can help you get the optimal refrigeration system for your units, help with energy efficiency, and significantly minimize overconsumption of power.

To use our tool, follow these basic steps:

  1. enter the area volume in cubic feet
  2. enter the temperature difference between the one that usually exists and the one you want to achieve.

With these two data, you can get a precise estimate of the required refrigeration capacity in BTU.

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