
SEER Energy Savings Calculator

Estimated Energy Savings

Current Annual Energy Cost: $

New Annual Energy Cost: $

Annual Savings: $

Calculate The SEER Savings Of Your Cooling Appliances And Get An Estimate Of Your Energy Consumption

Use our free SEER Savings Calculator above and evaluate the efficiency of your cooling units.

What Is Seer?

SEER is an abbreviation for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It helps measure the cooling efficiency of your air conditioners and heat pumps. It helps calculate the cooling units provided per energy consumed during the cooling season. A higher SEER rating is always preferred over a lower SEER rating.  An appliance with a higher SEER rating signifies that the cooling device produces more units with respect to the energy it takes to create the cooling effect. This not only helps with lower energy bills but also contributes to long-term savings, making it a smarter choice for future investment. 

How Do You Calculate Seer Savings?

To get an estimate of your SEER savings, you need to first find out the SEER ratings of your old appliance and your new appliance. 

Next, you need to find or have an estimate of the cooling output of your appliances in BTU over a specified cooling period. 

To calculate the old unit energy consumption, divide the cooling output by the old SEER rating. And for the new appliance energy consumption, divide the cooling output by the new SEER rating. 

Now you need to calculate the total energy savings enabled by your new appliance. For this, subtract the energy consumption of the new appliance  from that of the old appliance in kWh. 

Finally, multiply the total savings by your local electricity rate per kWh to get the total cost savings enabled by your efficient appliance with a higher SEER rating.

How To Evaluate Your SEER Rating?

The higher the SEER rating of your appliance, the better it is at ensuring significant energy savings. This means that your appliance is more energy efficient, which can help reduce operational costs over time. An air conditioner with a 16 SEER rating will consume less energy than a 13 SEER-rated appliance. Replacement costs are significantly lower for higher-rated appliances, which is why you will not only enjoy the benefits of lower electricity bills over the lifetime of your appliance but also save up on maintenance costs. This can be a great investment choice for your home or any other establishment, regardless of its higher upfront cost. 

Generally speaking, a SEER rating of 17 is considered to be the most optimal to ensure your appliances are cost-effective. However, higher SEER ratings come with higher purchase and installation costs, which is something you need to consider before purchasing higher SEER-rated appliances. Depending on your budget and unit affordability prioritization, a new appliance with a 14 or 15 SEER rating can be likely a better option. The highest SEER rating is 22, while the minimum rating standard in today’s time is 13.


From January 1, 2023, the Department of Energy introduced SEER2, a more efficient and enhanced metric for evaluating the energy efficiency rating of your cooling system. SEER2 is an updated version of the original SEER rating system, which considers additional factors such as regional climate data, such as humidity and temperature. This makes it a more efficient rating system for measuring energy efficiency. 

SEER2 provides a more precise measurement of your HVAC’s energy efficiency. However, since it comprises environmental factors that were not considered in its previous rating system (SEER), the ratings are lower in SEER2. This is why, even though the SEER2 of an appliance will be lower than the SEER of the same, it basically means the same thing. 

How To Use The SEER Savings Calculator?

Using our free SEER Savings Calculator is easy. Before we get into the calculations, let’s understand the tool. 

The parameters to measure your energy savings are: 

  • The location of the installation determines the average electricity cost in KWH. 
  • If, instead of the average electricity cost, you have a precise number with you, you can edit that in the input box. 
  • The AC capacity in Tonnes (1 tonne is 12,000 BTU)
  • The current SEER rating of your appliance, and 
  • The new SEER rating 

Calculating SEER Savings

Step 1: Determine The Cooling Load

You need to know the capacity of the AC unit in tons, where 1 ton = 12,000 BTU/hr.

Step 2: Calculate The Energy Consumption

  • Current Energy Consumption (kWh)  = { Cooling Load (BTU/hr)​/ Current SEER Rating } × Operating Hours per Year
  • New Energy Consumption (kWh) = { Cooling Load (BTU/hr)​ / New SEER Rating } × Operating Hours per Year.

Step 3: Calculate Energy Savings

Energy Savings (kWh) = Current Energy Consumption − New Energy Consumption

Step 4: Calculate Cost Savings

Cost Savings = Energy Savings (kWh) × Cost per kWh

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